Yoga West Eugene Yoga West Eugene

Jai Kartar Kaur

In 1994, Jai Kartar’s life journey brought her to the twin paths of yoga and healing.  In ’95 and ’96, she did back-to-back Kundalini Yoga teacher trainings in Eugene and New Mexico, studying with Yogi Bhajan in the first Master’s Touch program.  In 1998, she began serving as a Teacher Trainer, and has advanced to Level I and Level II Lead Trainer.  She has also developed leadership skills and broad perspective by serving on the Board of Directors of KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) from 2007 to 2014, and as a regular participant in TTEC (Teacher Trainers Executive Council). There she contributed to the development of Level III training, and was among the first to be certified as a Level III Teacher in 2015.

The healer’s path has led to the practice and teaching of the yogic healing art of Sat Nam Rasayan, where she is a Level III Candidate. She has deepened her meditative capacity through regular participation in retreats in the US, Europe, and India.

Since 1997, Jai Kartar has studied Yogic Numerology with Agia Akal and others, and finds this a powerful tool for healing and teaching. She enjoys drawing on her extensive background in both Astrology and Numerology to select yoga and meditation that helps students meet the challenges and realize the potentials encountered in this rapidly changing world.

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The reward of patience is patience.

- St. Augustine