Frequently Used Mantras

Tuning-in mantra:

Ong Namo/ Guru Dev Namo

I bow to the divine wisdom and teacher within.

Mantra of guidance and protection (Mangala Charan Mantra)

Ad guray nameh, Jugad guray nameh,

Sat guray nameh, Siree guru dev-ay nameh.

I bow to the primal wisdom.

I bow to the wisdom true thru the ages.

I bow to the true wisdom. I bow to the great unseen wisdom.

Sat Nam

True Self or Truth is my identity.

Also used as a greeting, similar to Namaste.

Sa Ta Na Ma

Infinity. Life. Death. Rebirth.

The cycle of existence.

Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung  

Sun Moon Earth Infinity: 

All that is in infinity, I am that.

Hummee Hum Brahm Hum

We are we, we are divinity

Sunshine Song

May the longtime Sun shine upon you.

All love surround you.

And the pure light within you

Guide your way on. (repeat 2x)

Sat Nam.