What Is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness, bringing together our human self and Infinite Self. Primary tools are movement, breath, mantra and a focus on the internal state of the practitioner.  

We balance Prana/ Life Force with Apana/letting go, initiating the process of raising the Kundalini – a byproduct rather than the goal of our practice. Kundalini Yoga is based on kriyas, “completed actions,” specific sequences of postures and exercises to create a given effect in body, mind and/or Spirit.  

The transformational power of this yoga arises from the extensive use of breath – coordinating inhale/exhale with a movement or doing a pranayam in an active or static position. A specific eye focus and mental or chanted mantra are employed in both yoga and meditation. We work with the glandular system, nervous system (interface between our physical and energy bodies), and the mind. 

Kundalini clears blocks and old patterns from the subconscious, refines our reality perception, and enhances the higher mind and intuition. Clearing energy channels and balancing the chakras creates greater flow within us and in our lives, as we become more authentic expressions of our ‘Sat Nam’ or True Self.

Yoga West teaches Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Read more about our founder here.

What can I expect from a Kundalini Yoga Class?

Class begins with a “tuning in” mantra of “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” which helps us connect to our inner wisdom and teacher within. A mantra of protection may be added. Warm-up exercises open and loosen muscles and joints in preparation.

The main yoga set or kriya serves a particular purpose such as removing body blocks, opening the heart center, or creativity. It

consists of a series of exercises that may be static poses or, more often, movements coordinated with the breath. This is followed by deep relaxation accompanied by music or the gong. Meditation follows, utilizing simple mantra or a form of pranayama/breathwork.

We end class by singing the “Sunshine Song,” offering blessings as we move out into the world:

May the longtime Sun shine upon you/ All love surround you/ And the pure light within you/ Guide your way on.