2025 Waves of Change at Yoga with the Stars Saturday

Jai Kartar will lead Yoga with the Stars 1/4 and 1/18.  Gobind Jeet will sub on 1/11 and introduce his new class on 1/25. The last forecast will be 1/16.

2025 is likely the most impactful year of our lives so far, bringing change that is rapid, unprecedented, intense, karmic and global.  Coming events are beyond our control, yet their purpose is to awaken us from the dream of separation.  2025 is a year of transition, where endings and beginnings alternate in a wave pattern.  All planets from Saturn outward will enter a new sign, retrograde back into the old, then forward again into the new. While we will feel these multiple shifts, the contrast is greatest between last sign Pisces, bringing completion and dissolution, and first sign Aries, the birth of the Self - bold and action-oriented.  Zero degrees Aries is the powerful Creator Degree, where something totally NEW can enter that will impact the entire world. In addition to Sun on Spring Equinox, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, Venus, and the North Node (our collective direction) will occupy 0 Aries, usually multiple times. They will also pass thru 29 Pisces, the Anaretic degree where we confront the sign’s shadow, but also have the chance to complete karmic lessons and move forward unburdened. Opportunities for awakening come when we have done our inner work of acceptance, forgiveness and letting go. We can practice this week as Aries’ ruler Mars again faces Pluto, ruler of the subconscious underworld. Retrograde Mars backs up from confident Leo into uncomfortably nurturing Cancer, where we can resolve deep issues of emotional security. Create the inner space to meet the rapid transformation ahead with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.

Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar (Joan Davis) brings 30 years’ experience to the practice, teaching, and training of teachers in Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality in this tradition. She has attained the highest levels of certification as a Practitioner and Lead Trainer, serving on the Teacher Trainer Executive Council and the Board of KRI, the international certifying body.


Risk of Change at Yoga with the Stars Saturday


Endbeginnings at Yoga with the Stars Saturday