February 2025 Newsletter

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy -
not on fighting the old but, building the new.” — Socrates

Sat Nam Kundalini Yoga Community,

Here is what’s new at Yoga West Eugene.

The Studio-Wide 40 day New Moon Meditation

Chosen by the Yoga West Teachers officially begins on 1/29! Join us as we shed what is no longer needed and plant new seeds for our collective future: The Meditation for the Neutral Mind

This meditation reduces stress, anxiety and reactivity and helps us find a still point and steadiness which will help us to navigate this year with balance, grace and neutrality! A 40-day commitment allows us to evolve through self-care and positive habit formation. Lastly, it supports a stronger community as we are responding to life from the perspective that We are All One. That includes you. This meditation will be taught in all classes.

How to Practice the Meditation for the Neutral Mind:

  • Sit with a straight spine in total balance and release all unnecessary tension.

  • Hands in lap, rest right hand in left with palms up.

  • Visualize yourself sitting in peace and radiance. Eyes closed with a brow point focus. Breath regulates itself with a slow inhale/exhale.

  • Recite the mantra silently as separate syllables: “Wha Hay Gu Roo” (translation: Infinitye Identity from Darkness to Light, also un-describable wisdom).

  • Tune in and Close as done in class.


  • Gobind Jeet’s Kundalini Yoga with the Medicine Wheel starts Feb 2nd from 8:30 to 10am and continuing forward. He will also continue to cover the Kundalini Yoga Class from 10:30 – 11:45. Both are Hybrid classes.

  • Jordan adds a second Evening Kundalini Yoga class - three Thursdays a month: Feb. 6th, 13th & 27th 6 - 7pm. Join her for a dynamic practice combining yogic postures, specialized breathing techniques (pranayam), mantras, mudras, and meditations to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. Come as you are and leave feeling energized, centered, and renewed after awakening your inner radiance!

  • Jordan shares this class time with Emily’s Restorative Sound Healing on Thurs. Feb. 20th.

  • Partap’s Wednesday’s 5:30 – 6:45 Kundalini Yoga for Creative Connection class will pause after the 1/29 class for her to focus on some health issues. More info as we move forward.

ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN Winter Series seasonal theme: Tapping in on the powerful energy of the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake and its kinship with Kundalini energy in presenting the theme “Winter to Spring – Foundation for Growth.” We WELCOME Asia to Yoga West as a new teacher for our Women’s Series. Her focus will be the use of Kundalini Yoga to support women in building intuition and confidence – so they can live in radiance, prosperity and purpose. Simrat and Jessica will continue to teach ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN for the expanded Women’s series. We will now have (4) offerings of Women’s yoga a month beginning in March.

  • Sat., Feb 1st 3 - 4:30pm with Jessica.

  • Sat., Feb 8th 3 - 4:30pm with Asia

  • Sat., Feb 15th, 3 – 4:30pm with Simrat

FEBRUARY SPECIAL EVENT! Sat., Feb 22nd, 2 – 5pm An Alchemical Kundalini Yoga Experience with Michelle Wissel (Miter Amit) $75. Use of Breathwork, meditation and guided imagery to help release subconscious stories and experience renewal. Overcome limiting fears and obstacles blocking your fulfillment.

We are excited to WELCOME Fateh Prem and Amrit Premgeet to Yoga West as additional leaders for Early Morning Sadhana via Zoom Sundays at 4:30am. The practice will now rotate between four leaders including Sat Ganesha and Gobind Jeet at the YW Studio. Sadhana is Hybrid and these new leaders will transmit live to our large screen in the front of the yoga studio.


Sat., March 8th 12:30 – 2:30pm VENUS KRIYA: Partner Yoga Workshop with Mehtab and Callie Maggiori. Experience a transformation of your relationship within yourself or with a partner/friend by establishing balance and deeper connection to one another’s higher self through a shared Kundalini Yoga practice. Come as individuals or with a partner to release blockages, activate your energy and enhance the harmonious flow of life.

Tuesdays, March 11th – April 15th from 9 – 10am, 6 Week Morning Breathwork Series: Energize Your Day with Callie Maggiori. Designed specifically for people seeking more vitality and balance in their lives. This series blends breathwork, mantra and meditation to elevate your energy, clear mental blocks and revitalize your entire system.

May we all be surrounded by Love, Light and Peace,

Your Yoga West Teachers


The Path to Prosperity - New Classes at Yoga West Eugene!


Re-inventing Ourselves at Yoga with the Stars Saturday