Election Perspective at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
As we approach a pivotal, contentious election, the Cosmos is offering us some high level assistance if we can rise to it. The two most edgy, challenging planets are at the heart of both the political upheaval and our best response to it. Uranus disrupts, shakes us up and out of our comfort zones, while Pluto plumbs depths, reveals shadows, demands we release the past.
These are forces of Transformation for the world and for us individually, ultimately pushing us toward greater authenticity and power. This week, both Uranus and Pluto are focal points in highly beneficial kite formations, including Mercury, Mars, and mystical Neptune.
Uranus and Mercury face each other, the Higher Mind illuminating the intellect with advanced insights, spiritual awareness and an invitation to act on them.
Pluto faces Mars, elevating action to empowerment, helping us dive to inner depths so we can rise to a higher perception of ourselves, life and the Universe. We’re offered an evolutionary boost if we can let go of personal attachments and stretch to see the Cosmic Big Picture.
We’ve chosen to live in this time of global Transformation; outer reality is breaking down like the caterpillar dissolving in its cocoon. We are urged to accept this impersonal process and trust the Divine Plan unfolding. Elevate your perspective with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.
Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar
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