Standing Still at Yoga with the Stars Saturday

Note: Jai Kartar will be retiring from teaching Yoga with the Stars in January 2025, exact date TBA shortly.

Saturday is Winter Solstice, longest night of the year. “Solstice” means Sun stands still, and we are meant to do the same, especially with Mars retrograde.  

This year, Sun also stands alone, apart from other planets, inspiring solitary reflection. Sun is at 0 Capricorn, sign of mastery, ambition, seriousness and discipline.  

Sun and Nodes falling on the World Axis indicate a coming turning point on the world stage.  

Tho we feel its approach, we remain in the waiting room, with time to reflect, turn inward, and practice the art of conscious allowing.  Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, engages with Moon to create a sober emotional tone.  

We’ve work to do before setting intentions for the New Year, bringing discernment to our motivations, old patterns, and what lies beneath surface appearances. Celestial frictions generate a tension that can best be relieved by physical movement. Yet Solstice is also the time of Holy Days in various traditions when the veils thin to allow Divine Light to come pouring in.  

Intuition is stronger and feels like a dialogue with Higher Self or Source. Benefic energies harmonize and walk beside us thru the long night’s darkness, revealing unexpected opportunities, blessings, and Truth that can be trusted.  Open yourself to this Inner Light with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.

Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar

Register at If signing up early, you'll receive your Zoom link an hour before class.

Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar (Joan Davis) brings 30 years’ experience to the practice, teaching, and training of teachers in Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality in this tradition. She has attained the highest levels of certification as a Practitioner and Lead Trainer, serving on the Teacher Trainer Executive Council and the Board of KRI, the international certifying body.


Endbeginnings at Yoga with the Stars Saturday


Full Moon Culmination at Yoga with the Stars Saturday