Astrological Forecast: July 5-12

The New Moon in Cancer Friday, 7/5, sets the tone and agenda for the coming week: rest, intend, nurture, center. The sensitive, motherly, protective energy of Cancer invites us to draw inward, first to our close surroundings and ties, and then to our inner states. The loving nature of Cancer is enhanced by Venus’ presence, deepening connections and inspiring nurturing.

As a New Moon, this is a perfect time for intention-setting, with support from Mars and Saturn providing energy and discipline to manifest.our heart’s desires. Self-care and creation of a secure, comfortable, beautiful home space are priorities. Supportive influences among the planets this week offer us a welcome and much-needed opportunity to rest, cultivate mindful neutrality and prepare for what lies ahead.

The following week is a watershed when energies shift for the second half of the year and beyond. We get a taste on Monday when Mars reaches the degree of the Jupiter-Uranus meeting last April, potentiating the disruptive and unpredictable action of Uranus. Winds of change will gain force mid-month when Mars joins forces with Uranus and the foreboding fixed star Algol.

For now, our priorities are clear: rest, nest, connect, quiet the mind and focus on what is close to the heart. Master your inner and outer domain with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.

Love and Blessings,

Jai Kartar for payment and Zoom link.

Single class: Regular $12, Senior/Student $11, Scholarship $5 10 class pass fees unchanged.   

Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar (Joan Davis) brings 30 years’ experience to the practice, teaching, and training of teachers in Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality in this tradition. She has attained the highest levels of certification as a Practitioner and Lead Trainer, serving on the Teacher Trainer Executive Council and the Board of KRI, the international certifying body.


Astrological Forecast: July 22-28


March Newsletter