Deepening in Scorpio at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
The sign of secrets, revelations, and subtle strategy, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and co-ruled by Mars. The current face-off between these two planets fuels the feeling of intensity and potential explosiveness in the world at large
Finding Eclipse Flow at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
Eclipses are pivot points bringing transformation that is often destined and usually permanent. Lunar Eclipses are more emotional, bringing completion to a chapter, especially in final sign Pisces, Keeping our attention focused within is key.
Prelude to Transformation at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
Welcome to the Eclipse Portal, where permanent transformation can feel fated or surprising, gentle or seismic, depending on what is needed. It will begin with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 9/17, and can feel like a roller coaster ride where the curves and dips are as exciting or fearsome as we perceive them to be.
A Helpful Virgo New Moon at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
Over Labor Day weekend. unpredictable, freedom-loving Uranus reverses direction Sunday, 9/1. Time to begin integrating the effects of recent rapid changes and connect with our own Inner Rebel.
Uranus in Action at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
A strong Uranus keeps us off balance this week. Impactful retrograde Mercury cooperates with Mars and Chiron to promote opportunities for inner healing and insights before turning direct on Wednesday.
Full Moon Game Changer at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
The 8/19 Full SuperMoon in Aquarius is a cosmic game-changer, combining two powerful T-squares that promise a shake-up on all levels. The Leo Sun, with retrograde Mercury, faces off with the Aquarius Moon, both activated by Uranus in Taurus.
Revving Up at Yoga with the Stars Saturday, August 10th
This week is a lull before the storm, and our antennas may have us feeling edgy, uncertain, easily irritated. Life can come at us too fast or in unexpected ways.
The Push-Pull of Change at Yoga with the Stars Saturday August 3rd
Highlight of the week is Sunday’s New Moon in Leo, bringing creative, playful and confident energy. Leo rules the heart and lives from the heart, shining like the Sun which is Leo’s planet.
Between Worlds at Yoga with the Stars Saturday July 27
This is a time of transition between worlds, one breaking down, the other still unknowable. Winds of change can shift our perception radically from one week to the next. In this current relatively quiet week, we can tune in to the Cosmic background music, appreciating the subtle but reassuring hum of harmony between the outermost planets.
Astrological Forecast: July 22-28
We are asked to examine our issues around personal power and powerlessness, as Chiron brings potential for deep healing. The Capricorn/ Cancer polarity is also concerned with security and stability. As life wobbles, do we look outside ourselves for assurance or embrace our inner sovereignty?