Full Moon Game Changer at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
The 8/19 Full SuperMoon in Aquarius is a cosmic game-changer, combining two powerful T-squares that promise a shake-up on all levels. The Leo Sun, with retrograde Mercury, faces off with the Aquarius Moon, both activated by Uranus in Taurus.
Uranus again brings sudden, loud, and unexpected events and revelations of hidden secrets and possibilities, blending chaos and a call to freedom. If we can meet Uranus with flexibility, openness and beginners mind, Higher Consciousness is also on offer. A second powerful T-square has Venus facing Saturn, both activated by the union of Mars and Jupiter, It's time for a karmic report card on whether we are living our lives in alignment with our Higher Self, especially over the last 4 years.
The Jupiter-Saturn square is part of a 20 year cycle that began with their Grand Conjunction in 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius. The 2 Cosmic Teachers are working out the balance between visionary aspiration and the serious hard work of manifestation. Pluto now sits at 0 Aquarius, underscoring that this is about Transformation, individual and collective.
While forces of change push us to go further faster, intuitive guidance asks us to slow down, go inward, focus on practical self-care. This Aquarius Full Moon is an intensive course in Awakening, yet lasting change is often grounded in baby steps. Take one now with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.
Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar
https://yogawesteugene.com/classes/yoga-with-the-stars/ for payment and Zoom link.
Single class: Regular $12, Senior/Student $11, Scholarship $5 10 class pass fees unchanged.