Prelude to Transformation at Yoga with the Stars Saturday

Welcome to the Eclipse Portal, where permanent transformation can feel fated or surprising, gentle or seismic, depending on what is needed. It will begin with a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on 9/17, and can feel like a roller coaster ride where the curves and dips are as exciting or fearsome as we perceive them to be.

Mental Mercury is tapped into the Higher Mind and will soon enter home sign Virgo adding focus and discernment.  The outermost planets, rebel Uranus, mystic Neptune, and power-broker Pluto are in ongoing harmony that will create a beneficial formation with the Lunar Eclipse.

There will be opportunities, synchronicities and second chances if we are open, present and willing to work to manifest them. Likely too much will be on offer, so opt for selectivity rather than multi-tasking. If we pursue what is most important, letting go of the rest will feel like an unburdening. Venus joins Jupiter to bring harmony, abundance, and enhancement to our lives.  

Warrior Mars has traded his armor for a shell as he entered Cancer, significant because he'll remain there almost 8 months instead of the usual 6-7 weeks. In this watery, nurturing sign, damped-down Mars can become hyper-vigalent or take the role of Protector. This is a complex period that can bring deep knowing and rebirth by October’s end.  Prepare yourself with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.

Love and Blessings,

Jai Kartar

Arrive early if it’s your first time using Momence, or register in advance and receive the zoom link an hour before class time.

Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar (Joan Davis) brings 30 years’ experience to the practice, teaching, and training of teachers in Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality in this tradition. She has attained the highest levels of certification as a Practitioner and Lead Trainer, serving on the Teacher Trainer Executive Council and the Board of KRI, the international certifying body.


Finding Eclipse Flow at Yoga with the Stars Saturday


A Helpful Virgo New Moon at Yoga with the Stars Saturday