A Helpful Virgo New Moon at Yoga with the Stars Saturday
Over Labor Day weekend. unpredictable, freedom-loving Uranus reverses direction Sunday, 9/1. Time to begin integrating the effects of recent rapid changes and connect with our own Inner Rebel. All planets from Saturn outward will be retrograde and more inwardly focused.
Also on 9/1 Pluto, planet of empowerment, backs into 29 Capricorn, revealing the shadow of this ambitious sign and interacting with shadow Neptune’s potential for deception and confusion at 29 Pisces. Help arrives with Monday’s New Moon in Virgo, bringing discernment and everyday good sense. Virgo’s call for self-care is a perfect opportunity to prepare ourselves for the transformational energy of Eclipse season. Practical, efficient, and focused on everyday routine, Virgo calls us to detoxify the temple of the body and cleanse the recesses of the mind.
Virgo’s ruler Mercury allies with healer Chiron to clear old subconscious residues. Sun/Moon oppose Saturn in Pisces bringing spiritual discipline to help raise our frequency to a higher level.
This New Moon is an opportunity to build our inner resources, balancing humble surrender with taking action on our own behalf. As we complete one chapter of our lives, our practical intellect is inspired by Imagination to start envisioning the next. Lighten your load moving forward with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.
Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar