Between Worlds at Yoga with the Stars Saturday July 27

This is a time of transition between worlds, one breaking down, the other still unknowable.  Winds of change can shift our perception radically from one week to the next.  In this current relatively quiet week, we can tune in to the Cosmic background music, appreciating the subtle but reassuring hum of harmony between the outermost planets.

Closer in, we feel the tension between the steep learning curve and speed of Jupiter in mental Gemini vs. Saturn’s slow, methodical and spiritually attuned need to manifest our growing awareness.  

Closer to Earth, the tempo picks up as Sun traverses fiery Leo, generating opportunities and tensions with yang planets Mars and Pluto. Intensity becomes normalized, familiar.  The Cosmos continues to stimulate unpredictable Uranian change at the macro leadership level, but also in our personal lives, shaking loose old outmoded patterns.  

Open-hearted Venus in Leo gladly cooperates with wounded healer Chiron, recently retrograde, allowing deep inner work.  Unexpected turns of events may require a more profound surrender to what is, opening our hearts to something we are only now able to witness and embrace.  We are clearing ground and laying foundations for the new life and new world we are co-creating with Spirit.  Begin now with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Saturday at 8:30.

Love and Blessings,
Jai Kartar for payment and Zoom link.

Single class: Regular $12, Senior/Student $11, Scholarship $5   10 class pass fees unchanged.       

Jai Kartar

Jai Kartar (Joan Davis) brings 30 years’ experience to the practice, teaching, and training of teachers in Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Sat Nam Rasayan, the healing modality in this tradition. She has attained the highest levels of certification as a Practitioner and Lead Trainer, serving on the Teacher Trainer Executive Council and the Board of KRI, the international certifying body.


The Push-Pull of Change at Yoga with the Stars Saturday August 3rd


Astrological Forecast: July 22-28