Yoga West Eugene Yoga West Eugene


To view these products, talk to your yoga west instructor before or after class time.

Yoga Manuals:

Excellent for building your practice at home, as fantastic gifts, and taking with you on your travels.


Kundalini Yoga by Shakta Kaur
The Kundalini Experience
Sadhana Guidelines (the new edition)
Women's Yoga
I Am a Woman, KRI - Yoga Kriyas and a separate reader volume.
Waves of Healing, Dr. Siri Atma Singh.
Calendars:Yogi Bhajan Everyday?
and an extensive selection of other manuals.

CDs for Meditation, Upliftment, Relaxation and Fun:

Featuring the recordings of:

Snatam Kaur
Guru Ganesha Singh
Aquarian Sadhna recordings
Sat Kartar Kaur
Sada Sat Kaur
Sat Kirin Kaur
Guru Shabad Singh
Cherdi Kala Jetta

and many other mantra artists.

Destiny and other meditations with Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga.

Mantras of the Master: a pronunciation aid: audio recording of 64 commonly used mantras in Kundalini Yoga, the voice of Sat Santokh Singh.

A selection of DVDs for yoga practice, including pre and postnatal Kundalini Yoga from Gurumukh Kaur, classes with Nirvair Singh, Guru Tej Kaur, and Bhangara Dance with Yoga West's Sat Pavan Kaur.

Organic cotton baby sets (sleep sac, hat and receiving blanket) and baby quilts, from Acha Bacha at a very nice discounted price!.

Payment for the classes
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Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking.

- Kahlil Gibran